Hey all! We hope your Thanksgiving was full of good eats, sweat pants and crazy relatives that you just love so very much! Leah and I both hosted family and friends in our homes this year. We thought we would share a few pics of our tables, but more importantly, take time to tell YOU “Thank you!!”
But first….. pictures….
Leah just moved into her home days before Thanksgiving. Let me just go on record saying that my dining room would NOT look this put together or be ready to host family. Bravo mama!!

Our very first blog post was our take on a Thanksgiving table last year. That means that the ole Love & Lion blog celebrated its one year anniversary this month! This year has gone by so incredibly fast, we have made such fun relationships through this process, and truly…… we are just so stinking grateful for each person that clicks through our site. Even if it is by accident…. we love you! We have a lot of things in store for this year!! We are excited to grow and hopefully have you all grow with us. In our recent year, Leah gave birth to that sweet Maxie of hers, moved into a new home and I am currently half way through my second pregnancy. These are big changes for us that have sometimes kept us from blogging as much as we would have liked or even from being as creative as our little hearts like to be. We are certainly mommies and wifeys first, but have a mad love for this blog. We look forward to getting to know you all even better over this next year! We appreciate you sticking with us.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts…..