photo shoot


Is there anything more summery than a beautifully made paper flower crown? If your answer is “no”, then there is no doubt in our minds that we could be besties. Lauren and Jess, the lovely (and super talented) ladies of Paper Fox L.A. generously made these incredible pieces for us, and we have been DYING to show them off! Leah and I certainly share their love for a good party with unique decor. That is the root inspiration behind our blog venture afterall. These crowns are the perfect accessory for weddings, parties, photo shoots, birthday parties…… so basically everything! Have you also seen their banners? Everything they create is just so stunning….. the end.
Our kiddos are generally running around somewhere outside of most of the shots that get posted on Love & Lion. We had to grab them for a quick photo op!
If you are in need of beautiful paper products for the celebrations in your life, PLEASE visit Paper Fox L.A. It makes throwing a party that much more fun. 
Thanks again Lauren & Jess! You ladies are amazing!!!