Happy New Year to those who celebrate! I created a cheese-board-like creation with my favorite Rosh Hashanah treats: homemade challah, honey cake, and apples & honey. Also this wooden platter is the PERFECT size, food safe, and $39. Scroll down for the recipes!


Adapted from Brown Eyed Baker

Delicious made 1 day in advance! Keep in a sealed container at room temp.


  • 3½ cups all-purpose flour
  • tablespoon baking powder
  • teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground cloves
  • ½ teaspoon ground allspice
  • cup vegetable oil
  • cup honey
  • 1½ cups granulated sugar
  • ½ cup light brown sugar
  • eggs (at room temperature)
  • teaspoon vanilla extract
  • cup plus 2 TBSP brewed coffee (warm)
  • ½ cup plus 2 TBSP orange juice


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Generously grease 2 loaf pans with non-stick cooking spray then line with parchment paper, leaving an inch overhang on each side.
  2. In a large bowl (no need for an electric mixer), whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves and allspice. Make a well in the center and add the oil, honey, white sugar, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla, coffee, and orange juice.
  3. Stir together with a wooden spoon or spatula until all ingredients are well-blended, scraping the sides and bottom of the bowl, making sure that no ingredients are stuck to the bottom.
  4. Spoon batter evenly into prepared pans.
  5. Bake 35-40 minutes (if you’re using an 8×11″ brownie pan bake for about 40 minutes). The cake should be SLIGHTLY jiggly. I like to set my timer to 30 minutes and check 3 minutes at a time. If it jiggles like pudding, it needs a couple more minutes. I hate dry bread, so undercooking it a tad keeps it moist.
  6. Immediately grab the parchment paper and pop out of the pans so it doesn’t keep cooking in the pan. See how the photo has that yummy looking puddle in the middle? That’s the good stuff. The bottom of this cake bakes up FAST, so you really don’t want it to burn.


This recipe can be made in two standard loaf pans, two 9-inch square or round cake pans, one 9- or 10-inch tube or bundt cake pan, or one 9×13-inch sheet cake, but baking times will differ.
Now onto the challah…



This is my favorite challah recipe! IT. IS. SO. GOOD. Our family friend, Carol, shared this recipe with my mom and me, and we will forever be grateful. Chewy and slightly sweet. Spread butter on a slice and drizzle with a little honey. I usually like to braid a 4 part braid and form into a ring so that the challah bakes evenly all around (SEE POST HERE), but I wanted it smaller for the board- see this braiding technique for a round challah HERE. We traditionally bake a round challah for holidays.


2 tsp honey
1 pkg yeast
1/2 c vegetable oil
1/4 c sugar
2 tsp salt
2 eggs (+ 1 egg for egg wash – see notes for alternatives)
4 c bread flour


  1. Dissolve 1 tsp honey in 1/2 c. warm water in large mixing bowl which has been rinsed with hot water.
  2. Sprinkle yeast on top, mix, let stand 10 min.
  3. Stir in oil, 1/2 c. warm water, sugar, 1 tsp honey, salt, eggs, and 2 c. flour. Beat well.
  4. Stir in remaining 2 c. flour. Dough will be sticky.
  5. Knead 2-3 minutes with a bread hook attachment or turn onto a floured board and knead.
  6. Round up in greased bowl, cover, and let rise in a warm place for 2 hrs. It should have doubled in size. Gently put finger in top; if dough stays indented, it’s finished. If it bounces back, continue to rise.
  7. Punch down, cover, let rise again 45 min.
  8. Place on parchment paper on a baking sheet. Divide into sections and braid (ring instructions HERE, round instructions HERE), tucking in the ends.
  9. Cover, rise 20-30 minutes.
  10. Brush with beaten egg yolk and 1 tsp water (or sub- see below). Optional: sprinkle with poppy seeds.
  11. Bake 400 degrees 15-20 min. The last 5 minutes or so, you can cover the top with foil so it doesn’t get too brown. Put a toothpick in the center of a braid and check for doneness. My mom and I like to under bake it just a tad so it doesn’t dry out- we like it a tiny bit gooey but it’s all to your preference.
  12. Eat! Delicious with butter and /or honey. Perfect the next morning for french toast.


I always run out of eggs for the egg wash! You can sub with melted butter before you put it in the oven then a little when you take it out. I also spread a little honey on top to really take it to the next level.




I updated my go-to yellow cake recipe! This cake is m-o-i-s-t, slightly dense but light, buttery, and absolutely delicious. I promise it’s easy and WAY better than boxed. The marshmallow frosting is nice and gooey and not as sweet as you’d think. The flavors go really well together! Scroll down for the recipe, but READ THESE NOTES FIRST:
  1. If you want your cake to taste fresh and delicious, use fresh and delicious ingredients. I know that sounds like common sense- but seriously- use GOOD and real (read: expensive) vanilla extract, use the best butter, eggs, milk, etc. It truly makes a difference.
  2. UNDER BAKE this cake. My rule of thumb is set the timer 5-10 minutes under what the recipe says and keep testing every 2-3 minutes. The cake should be firm with a little JIGGLE when you gently shake the pan. It will KEEP COOKING in the pan!! Put a knife in the middle and it should come out with crumbs on it- NOT clean. Clean means you probably over baked it. But still eat it. Obviously.
  3. IF YOU OVER BAKE IT and the bottom is brown, wait for the cake to cool then take a serrated knife and skim off the brown. Brush the milk soak on it, and it should help the moisture level.
  4. For the reason above, please please please line your pan with parchment paper buttered on both sides! Even I have over baked my cake (who meeeee?) and needed to resort to the cake shaving!
  5. For lazy baking, I use an 11×13″ baking pan you’d normally use for brownies. It’s one layer and easier to store than a layer cake. Still line with parchment and butter in case you need to pop it out.


1 cup unsalted butter, room temp
2 cups granulated sugar
4 eggs, room temp
2 3/4 cups bread flour (I just always bake with bread flour, but you can use all purpose!)
2 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup buttermilk (to make your own, mix 1 cup of milk + 1 tbsp white vinegar and let it sit for 5 min)
2 tbsp good vanilla extract
Milk soak: 1/4 cup milk + 1 tsp vanilla
parchment paper
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Line 2 9″ round pans or 1 9×13 pan with parchment paper (butter pan, place parchment paper down, butter parchment paper).
  3. Sift dry ingredients and set aside.
  4. Beat butter for 3 minutes. Add sugar and beat another 3 minutes. Add eggs one at a time and beat thoroughly.
  5. Add flour mixture on lowest speed one cup at a time, alternating with milk. End with the flour mixture.
  6. Add vanilla and mix well.
  7. Pour into prepared cake pans.
  8. Bake about 20 minutes in the 9″ rounds or 30 minutes in the 9×13 pan until a knife inserted in the center comes out with crumbs. DO NOT over bake- the secret to the yummiest cakes (see notes above). The cake should jiggle a tiny bit in the middle like firm jello (not gooey pudding) and be the slightest golden brown.
  9. Cool in pans on wire rack for 5-10 minutes only, then flip out on a wire rack covered with parchment paper and cool completely.
  10. Mix milk soak together and brush over the surface of the cake before frosting.



1 cup salted butter, room temp (or add 1/4 tsp salt to unsalted butter)

14 ounces Marshmallow Fluff

2 cups powdered sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

* If frosting a sheet cake, I like to halve the recipe since you’re not covering as much area. This frosting is rich!


  1. Mix butter on medium speed until smooth. Add in the Marshmallow Fluff and mix for an additional minute, or until smooth, scraping the sides of the bowl as necessary.
  2. Turn the mixer to low and add in the powdered sugar and vanilla, mixing until combined, then turn the mixer up to medium and mix for another minute. Add food coloring if you want.
  3. Scoop a small amount and drop onto the cake. Take an offset spatula or knife and cover the surface of the cake- it’s ok if crumbs get mixed in- this is called the crumb coat! Let that set.
  4. Scoop and drop the rest of the frosting on the cake and spread. Top with sprinkles!


Joshie turned THREE! We had such fun day at my parents’ house, mainly directed by him since he’s in a SUPER bossy phase. Hilarious when it’s directed towards his brothers… not so much when it’s directed towards Jeffrey and me. My parents’ ordered this big balloon display from STL Balloons and an ice cream truck to come by!! He was shocked, and we all had so much fun. Since it was just the 7 of us, I didn’t really go all out like I usually would. Just a few details and lots of sugar. Joshie loves dinosaurs and the color blue which became the loosly-based-but-also-the-pandemic-so-whatever theme.


Since Joshie oddly doesn’t like chocolate, I made him my favorite sugar cookies and frosting but made them into easy bars. Like I said… pandemic whatever I’m not rolling and cutting these into shapes! SO simple and delicious. The cookie part is soft and fluffy and not too sweet. The frosting is from this recipe for swig cookies since I wanted that thicker frosting. SO good. If you’re using this cookie recipe for cut out holiday cookies, you might want a thinner frosting that dries. This recipe pairs really well together, but it’s not great for stacking and packaging. More just for eating.



For the party hats, I cut out a spikey shape, scored the edge, folded it, and used double stick tape to secure it to the side of the party hats.

I made Joshiesaurus tattoos- he loved them!! Purchase in my shop HERE.

I got the little dinosaurs (natural plastic, non-toxic) HERE and then just put them in a 3 shape on a grocery store cake.

Social-distanced ice cream truck party with cousins and neighbors!

Georgie being weird and charming.

Momtern and Dadtern!

Now for the cookie recipe that everyone loved!


  • 1 c. butter or margarine (or half and half) room temp
  • 1 c. granulated sugar
  • 1 egg, room temp
  • 2 tbsp whole milk, room temp
  • 2 tsp real vanilla extract
  • 3 c. flour (I always bake with bread flour but AP is fine)
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp. salt



  • Sift all dry ingredients and set aside.
  • Mix butter and sugar til fluffy 2-3 min.
  • Add egg and mix well.
  • Add vanilla.
  • Slowly mix in dry ingredients alternating with milk.
  • Mix until just combined.
  • For bar cookies: press dough into a small sheet pan lined with parchment paper, press plastic wrap on top of the dough, and chill for a couple hours or overnight.
  • For cut out cookies, press dough into a disc and wrap with plastic wrap, chill for a couple hours or overnight. Flour the counter and dough really well. Roll out super thin if you want them to keep their shape otherwise they will puff up and be delicious, but not perfectly shaped. Might want to add a little more flour to the dough as you roll it out. Make sure to pop them back into the fridge or freezer once they’re shaped and on parchment lined baking pans before you put them in the oven to bake.
  • Bake 350º for 10-12 minutes until BARELY golden- for real. Don’t over bake these! They will continue cooking in the pan after you take them out of the oven.
  • Once cooled, use the parchment paper to peel the bars out of the pan, ice, and slice. Again, chill if you want cutting to be super easy.



  • 1/2 cup butter room temperature
  • 2 tablespoon sour cream
  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  • 1-2 teaspoons vanilla
  • dash of salt
  • 1 drop red food coloring
  • 1-2 tablespoons milk**

Mix all but food coloring and milk together until fluffy. Add food color if you want. Add milk 1 tbsp at a time if needed to thin out or soften the frosting. Spread onto cookies once cookie has been completely cooled.

Keep in an airtight container room temp for a couple days or frozen to keep perfectly fresh.


Here’s what the cookies look like rolled and cut before decorating. A little soft and fluffy, a lot yummy!


9 tbsp butter, room temp

6 cups powdered sugar, SIFTED for real it makes a difference- sorry

3 tsp vanilla

1/4 + 1/8 cup whole milk

Mix all together until fluffy. You may need to add more milk if you want it drippier. Separate into bowls and add in food coloring.





I love passover food! I like to make a simple but delicious menu with a couple things you can make in advance.

The day before: Make the brisket, haroset, hard boiled eggs, matzo bark, and any other desserts you can freeze

The day of: Make the noodle kugel, mazto ball soup, and set the table. Easy!



I really don’t measure! This is just an approximation. My Grandma says to use 1 apple per person. Make sure there’s enough wine to fully coat all of the mixture. The apples will soak up some of the wine, so you’d rather overdo it a little bit then have it be dry.


*you can make a day ahead of your seder

3-4 large honeycrisp or sweet apples, peeled and finely chopped

1-2 cups sweet red wine (or any red wine + a few TBSP brown sugar)

1 tbsp or more cinnamon

1 cup pecans or walnuts, finely chopped


– Mix everything together and let it sit in the fridge while you make the rest of the dinner. Stir several times so that all the apples get coated.  The liquid should be about 3/4 of the way up the bowl. The flavor gets better as it sits and the apples get soaked.

– Serve with matzo



* best to make the day before if possible


5-6 lbs brisket

garlic powder



4 large onions, thickly sliced

1/2 bottle of ketchup

2-3 cans whole cranberries (you won’t taste them)

1 bag baby carrots or thickly sliced carrots

1 bag baby potatoes


  1. on the bottom of a large pan you can cover with a top or with foil, place sliced onions.
  2. place meat on top
  3. liberally sprinkle seasonings on top
  4. spread ketchup and cranberries on top of that
  5. add potatoes and carrots around the meat
  6. add 3/4 cup water to the pan
  7. bake 350 degrees in a covered pan for 4 hours
  8. if you make this the day before, slice when cold against the grain. Replace the meat back into the gravy and reheat




I make mine vegetarian but also roast some chicken, shred it, and add to everyone else’s bowls. Quarantine style… I defrosted chicken breasts, placed them on a foil-lined baking sheet, drizzled with olive oil, salt, pepper, then baked them in the oven for 15 min. Shred and add to the bowls who want chicken!

You can add as many or as little vegetables as you want. It’s mostly about the seasoning and the matzo balls.

I’m NOT a fan of the pre-made soup mix. It’s too salty and not enough flavor for my taste. If that’s all you have, consider at least adding these veggies and seasonings to the broth!
Makes about 6 servings


1/2 cup matzo meal

2 eggs

2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp water

1 tsp water

1 large yellow onion, diced

3 carrots, diced

3 stalks celery, diced

1 heaping tbsp minced garlic

lots of dried or fresh seasoning: I added a couple teaspoons of  THIS spice which is absolutely magical, but you could recreate it with salt, freeze-dried shallots, chives, garlic, onion and green peppercorns. I also added about 1 tsp thyme, and a dash of dill. I’m the only one who loves spicy things, so I add crushed red pepper just to my bowl.

2 – 32 oz boxes of vegetable broth


  1. Add eggs and oil to a medium bowl and whip with a fork. Mix in matzo meal, water, and salt until combined. Leave in the fridge for 15 minutes while you make the soup.
  2. Heat olive oil in a large pot on medium.
  3. Add diced vegetables and cook for a few minutes until just softened, maybe about 5 min.
  4. Stir in minced garlic and dried/fresh seasoning and cook a few more minutes.
  5. Add vegetable broth and bring to a boil.
  6. While you wait for the pot to boil, grab the matzo ball dough from the fridge.
  7. Using a cookie/ice cream scoop (anywhere from 1″-2″), scoop up the dough then roll it in your hands to make sure it’s packed together.
  8. Drop in the matzo balls in the soup then cover the pot tightly with a lid.
  9. Simmer for 40-60 minutes.
  10. Top with a little parsley and crushed red pepper if you want… but no one in my family likes either 🙂



8 oz. medium broad egg noodles (or any egg noodles are fine! Usually in the “international section”

1 stick of butter, room temp (plus more for greasing the pan)

8 oz. cream cheese, room temp

8 eggs (!!)

1 1/4 cup sugar

1/4 tsp salt

2 tsp vanilla

1 tsp lemon juice

4 1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup or so of raisins



  1. preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. barely cook the noodles- just a couple minutes
  3. butter 9×13 casserole pan
  4. spread the noodles in the pan
  5. sprinkle raisins on top
  6. in a separate bowl, beat butter and cream cheese until smooth
  7. add in eggs, sugar, salt, vanilla, lemon juice
  8. add milk and mix by hand – it’s soupy!
  9. pour wet mixture on top of the noodles and raisins
  10. cover the top with cinnamon- don’t be shy!
  11. bake 350 for 1 hr until a knife comes out clean. The top noodles should be crispy and the inside moist.







*you can make a day or two ahead and freeze in a ziplock bag


2 sticks unsalted butter
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
fleur de sel (or course sea salt)
6 sheets of matzo or your fav crackers
10 oz. bittersweet chocolate chips
toppings – fleur de sel, toasted almonds, sprinkles, candy, peanut butter chips… the list goes on!
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2.  Line baking tray with parchment paper. Cover tray with matzo, edge to edge.
  3. Melt butter and sugar in a pan over medium heat til boiling. Boil 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat and add vanilla and a large pinch of sea salt
  4. Immediately pour over matzo and spread with an offset spatula. This will turn into a sea of bubbling toffee so it will sort of spread out naturally- don’t stress if it’s not perfect.
  5. Bake 10 or so minutes until toffee is bubbly and brown. Watch or it will burn!
  6. Remove from oven and immediately sprinkle chocolate chips on top. Cover loosely with foil. After 5 minutes remove foil and spread the now-melted chocolate chips evenly over toffee. Sprinkle with your fav toppings.
  7. Put the tray in the freezer for about 30 minutes until chocolate is hardened. Break into pieces and keep in a ziplock bag in the freezer. This will keep it from getting all melty.



This one is based on Ina Garten’s but a little less sweet. CLICK HERE



MATZO BRIE (for breakfast!)

So many good memories growing up eating my Grandma’s crispy matzo brie around passover, and my Grandpa’s more eggy version. Both so good with pure maple syrup!!

For 1 serving:

1 1/2 boards of matzo

1/2 cup milk

2 eggs, beaten

sprinkle of cinnamon

butter for the pan


Heat up milk in the microwave about 1 minute- I like to use a large glass pyrex or just a microwave save large bowl.

Break up the matzo in large pieces and put them into the hot milk for about 30 seconds just to soften the matzo.

Drain most of the milk out.

Add in eggs and cinnamon, and mix together.

Heat up butter in a skillet on medium, then pour in the matzo mix. I like to mix it up a bit to make sure all sides are coated and crispy. Or you could make it pancake style if you like a fluffy, eggy consistency better. Done when golden brown and egg is fully cooked. Top with a shake of cinnamon and maple syrup. Yum!






Lightly spiced and lightly sweet, these soft ginger molasses cookies are the BEST. They’re super pretty and stack well, so they would be nice holiday gifts for neighbors or teachers! I make these every December just like my nana and mom did. Enjoy!



1 cup granulated sugar (plus more for topping)

3/4 cup unsalted butter, room temp

1 egg, room temp and beaten

1/4 cup molasses

3 cups flour (I always use bread flour, but use what you have)

3 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp cloves

1 tsp ginger

1 tsp cinnamon


  1. preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. cream butter and sugar until smooth, about 5 min.
  3. mix in egg and molasses
  4. add dry ingredients gradually until just combined
  5. scoop dough with a cookie scoop or tablespoon, roll into a ball in your hands first, then roll in granulated sugar (I put the sugar in a shallow bowl so it doesn’t get messy)
  6. bake on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet for 8-10 minutes until cracked and golden.
  7. let cool for a few minutes on the tray… then eat warm!


You already know my love for Hopper… and his shirt. If the MUG wasn’t enough, I just HAD to get Joshie a toddler version of the shirt. The problem? No one makes them! What, are we living in the Upside Down? I got Jeffrey the grownup version HERE, but had to paint a shirt for Joshie. It was easier than I thought, and only took maybe 2 hours and that was to let the paint dry.


To be honest, Joshie is more of a Dustin (DUSTIN DIY HERE with my middle one Max!) but this had to be done. If you’re more of an Elle, you can make ELEVEN’S EGGO WAFFLE PURSE DIY HERE.




Fabric paint: pink, green, white (see below for color suggestions)

* Paint brushes – 1 thick for the bigger areas of dark pink and green, 1 thin for the accents in light pink and light green

Black fabric marker or Sharpie

Mustache or face paint

White toddler button down shirt (or would be soooo cute as a collared onesie!)

* Jeans

* Brown belt




At first you can unbutton the shirt and lay it flat, but eventually you’ll want to put it on a hanger while it dries. You can add detail on it that way if you’re impatient like I am!

It’s not a perfect match, but it doesn’t need to be. The less precise you are, the better it looks in my opinion. Just be confident in what you’re doing, and it’ll magically just work out. Or at least that’s what works in my brain!

I tried to stick on the hairy mustache, but Joshie was NOT having it. I had to draw it on with face paint instead.

Toddler Hopper to the rescue! Happy Halloween!




The easiest, laziest, and CUTEST Game of Thrones finale party ever! You can throw this together in an afternoon and still impress your guests.

Scroll down for free printables of all of the food signs pictured!

Set up a candy and snack bar with these clever treats! Add these tootsie roll eggs for DRAGON EGGS! Soooomeone in my family ate them all before I had a chance to take a photo.

For the main dishes, make some LITTLE CHICKEN FINGERS (chicken fingers and vegetarian chikn’ fingers), THEON’S FAVORITE TOY (hot dogs or pigs in a blanket and veggie dogs), and HIGHGARDEN SALAD (just a salad with chopped veggies).

For dessert, you’ll have the candy bar and you could also make SANSAA’S FAVORITE LEMON CAKES (a box mix of lemon bars).

Finally, add some DORNISH WINE (any kind of wine)! Maybe even some spiked limeade with a little green food coloring for WILDFIRE.

No detail is left out here. Tie this VALYRIAN STEEL tag on a mason jar full of utensils.

Download FREE PRINTABLES here: 1 | 2 | 3

If you have time, this is our favorite CARD STOCK to print on and the best PAPER CUTTER.

You can stick the food tags on place card holders or simply place by the food. THESE are cool for every day use but also Game of Thrones appropriate. $10 for 20 and Amazon prime!


If you want to see my Game of Thrones party in action, check out the GOT story highlight on our instagram account!


– L


Melts are basically toddler crack. They’re just dehydrated yogurt and fruit, but for some reason, all of our kids go crazy for them… even our big kids! This year, Joshie AKA Lil Intern is giving these Melts packs to his friends. We’ve linked all the materials you’ll need below. You could easily staple the tag to the Melts bag that they come in, but this is just one step cuter!

1. Purchase:

BAGS (unless stapling directly on the Melts bag they come in)


and recommended but not necessary…




2. Download your cards HERE


3. Print on white card stock. THIS is our favorite ever!! Super bright white and prints vibrant colors. It really makes a difference, especially with this printable since there’s so much color.


4. Cut right on the lines using a paper cutter. THIS one is the only kind we’ve found for seeing right where you’re cutting.


5. Fold the card in half, add melts in the clear bag, fold the top of the bag a little, and staple the card on top. Or staple the card to the top of the melts bag that they come in.


For ALL of our previous Valentines Day Printables, click HERE!


Leah & Jenni


I don’t know why kids go crazy for pompoms, but they do! We use these as currency in our house. It’s so weird, but they’re colorful and fun and hey- it’s better than giving your kids candy all day long! These would be fun to give to teachers as well since they could totally use them for their students! Throw a few in each bag and call it a day.

1. Purchase:



and recommended but not necessary…





2. Download your cards HERE


3. Print on white card stock. THIS is my favorite ever!! Super bright white and prints vibrant colors. It really makes a difference, especially with this printable since there’s so much color.

* When printing, make sure to set the scale to 100%! That will make it so the size of the card is exactly half of the paper, and you can just make one simple cut down the middle of the paper. It also fits inside the bag much better at this scale.


4. Cut right on the lines using a paper cutter. THIS one is the only kind I’ve found for seeing right where you’re cutting.


5. Pop the card and pom poms in the bag, seal with cute washi tape, and you’re done!

For ALL of my previous Valentines Day Printables, click HERE!




Will slime EVER go out of style? Not likely when it comes to our kiddos. No matter how many times it gets stuck in their hair, on our rugs, or left behind on the kitchen table…. we STILL give in to their love for slime. You can easily order these MINI SLIME PACKS and simply attach them to the downloaded valentine below (on top of the glob of slime) with GLUE DOTS.

1. Download your color choice(s) below.



2. Print on matte photo paper or card stock. This photo paper  is our favorite! The colors print out so vibrant!!

and recommended but not necessary…


3. Time to cut & assemble! Each card measures 4.25″x5.5″, so you will get 4 valentines per page by making a few simple cuts. Place a glue dot on the back of each slime container and stick it to the printable!

We cut the valentines while the kids are at school, then leave a nice little kit out so they can put them together themselves. It makes for a nice and quiet after school or rainy day project for them to do independently!

One of our kiddos took these last year, and they were a big hit! We did not use any bags to cover them as the glue dots really hold the slime on well. We just threw them all in a cute vday gift bag, and let them hand them out to the class!




Kids are gross. Kids like gross things. The end.

You could use this printable for anything messy! We’ve linked some cute options below…

1. Purchase:





and recommended but not necessary…





2. Download your cards HERE


3. Print on white card stock. THIS is our favorite ever!! Super bright white and prints vibrant colors. It really makes a difference, especially with this printable since there’s so much color.

* When printing, make sure to set the scale to 100%! That will make it so the size of the card is exactly 5.5″ and you can just make one simple cut down the middle of the paper. It also fits inside the bag much better at this scale.


4. Cut right on the lines using a paper cutter. THIS one is the only kind we’ve found for seeing right where you’re cutting.


5. Pop the card and slime in the bag, seal with cute washi tape, and you’re done!

For ALL of our previous Valentines Day Printables, click HERE!


Leah & Jenni


Remember Lipsmackers? Team Dr. Pepper or no? LOL! Kids still love them, and they’re super fun and colorful for Valentines. Plus at less than $1 per tube, it’s pretty perfect!

1. Purchase:


and recommended but not necessary…





2. Download your cards (we’ve split up the flavors- 2 per page):






3. Print on white card stock. THIS is our favorite ever!! Super bright white and prints vibrant colors. It really makes a difference, especially with this printable since there’s so much color.

* When printing, make sure to set the scale to 100%! This way, you’ll only need to make two cuts.


4. Cut right on the lines using a paper cutter. THIS one is the only kind we’ve found for seeing right where you’re cutting.


5. Match the chapstick with the correct colored card, tape the chapstick with cute washi tape, and you’re done!

For ALL of our previous Valentines Day Printables, click HERE!


Leah & Jenni